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Young Muslims Sisters is a youth-led organization and females-only youth wing of ICNA Canada, which works closely with girls aged 14 and up. We aim to empower young Muslim women by guiding and supporting their various stages of life by the principles that Islam teaches us. We envision future leaders across Canada who can bring the meaningful message of Islam to their communities.

Sisters' Hangouts

We provide fun activities such as grand Eid parties, spa days, Arabic calligraphy sessions, cupcake and cookie decorating, ice skating trips, hiking, pottery painting, Iftar potlucks, henna nights, bowling, and much more.

Community Involvement

Some activities we get involved in are food and clothing drives, making care packages for Women's shelters, volunteering for Homeless shelters, Back2School drives, Masjid clean-ups, and more.


All profits and donations go towards our communities and towards making this organization possible for our youth. We raise funds for local Masjids by selling treat boxes and for national causes that affect Muslims worldwide.

Da'wah Projects

We guide our youth to living their day-to-day lives by the principles of Islam and to guide others on that path as well. Giving Da'wah at public booths on events such as World Hijab Day and more is an ongoing goal for our organization.


We provide a safe and fun environment for girls of all ages. Members and volunteers participate in halaqahs and discussion circles of various topics such as giving Da'wah, Muslim identity, mental health, solcial justice, and more.


We provide various workshops that are beneficial and enjoyable for our youth. Whether you want to gain leadership skills, get advice in career related fields, or learn some new and fun skills, our workshops provide this and more.

YM Conference at ICNA Convention

Did you attend the ICNA Canada Convention 2023? Yes? Let us know how the YM sessions went:

If you missed the last ICNA convention, keep a look out for the next one:

ICNA Canada Convention 2024: Oct 12-13, 2024 (Thanksgiving Weekend)